
Think Karwachauth, think dressed up women in Bridal colours. So after the lockdown, everything opened up gradually. But Salons are still limited. Even if few of them are open, not everyone has the courage to visit for a much needed Hair Spa or getting the canvas...

Self-Love/ Self-Care is the need of the hour. We understand how important it is and why so much hype around it. To start with, I have spent more than a decade of my life living in Mumbai. This city moves really fast. If you are not...

In all the years of growing up and survival, I have been using Joy and Happiness as synonyms. But recently I came across some writings aligned with some personal experiences and discovered that these two are not interchangeable words. ‘Receiving’ gives you Happiness while ‘Giving’...

We all know the common list of must-watch, evergreen movies that have been listed and discussed repeatedly. But the point is we have already seen most of them (if not all) many times; with various groups and divisions of relatives, friends, friends of friends, special...

I noticed there were many new lines apart from my ‘lines of destiny’, as said by the astrologers. These new lines are crisscrossed all over my hand, small in size – like healed cuts, wrinkles of mildly burnt skin, the dry and stretched skin of...