‘Be The Best Version of You’ – Short Reads#4

‘Be The Best Version of You’ – Short Reads#4

You- the Unique Human Being, the Individual; the only person on this earth with your Fingerprints, your Retina, your Thoughts, your Smile, your Experiences, your Skills is YOU.

If you find someone better, improve yourself, polish yourself and become the

Best Version of YOU’.

No Competitions, No Comparisons, No Jealousy, No Regrets; just for yourself and not for someone else; the Best version of you can be only YOU.

  • Shiv Shankar Mishra
    Posted at 12:43h, 12 July Reply

    Thoughtful Reads.. Start loving yourself

    • Jagriti Chhabra
      Posted at 08:54h, 13 July Reply

      Thank You.:) Indeed, self-worthiness and self-love are important.

  • Jasmine
    Posted at 06:52h, 13 July Reply

    Make urself happy

    • Jagriti Chhabra
      Posted at 08:49h, 13 July Reply

      Yes, that’s important too. 🙂 Thank You.

  • Ajoy Kumar Sinha
    Posted at 09:28h, 24 July Reply

    Good thought.
    The most difficult thing in life is to assess about self. Nobody finds any problems or shortcomings in himself.
    But, the best thing shall be if a person thinks to improve upon himself and adopt good qualities of others.
    The post indicates towards the same I think.

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