
In the words of Dalai Lama, “The purpose of our lives is to be Happy”. While chasing our dreams and success, we tend to miss small everyday happiness. Once we start acknowledging these small delights, we shall be more content and motivated. That feeling when...

It is Monsoon season and it always brings along some memories, the refreshing fragrance of wet soil and lush greens all around. But we are not able to enjoy this romantic season this time. It’s Monsoon and it is either flood or drought. We are stressed. The covid numbers seem to be on a rise. We are stressed. The neighbor is still getting to work from home while we have to rush to the office every single day. We are stressed.

It is a vicious circle. Stress causes more stress and then the mental and physical problems and then more stress. Sounds weird but real. So basically, what we need is ways to bust this stress, all the time, every day of the week. here are 7 much-needed ‘stress busters’ for a short break for every day of the week (and a Bonus one):...

I have never sent a tiffin with M till date and now she is looking forward to the experience, and here I am getting chills thinking about what all I can cook super fast ‘n’ easy while giving her happiness ‘n’ health packed in her lunchbox. So the mom in me tried to make a list, a ready reckoner, of the dishes that can be made in a jiffy, that do not require much preparation, are fun and healthy enough. Here goes the list:...

So, along with family movie nights or long drives with the babies, I (the researcher, the thinker one) started looking for fun options that can be availed without leaving the premises of our beloved home. Here I am sharing some of the most loved and feasible options because, let’s face it, we all need some time for the couple in the parents....

This day takes me back in time when we, as kids, had started this celebration of Mother’s Day for our own Mothers. 15-20 years back we started with small celebrations like making tea for Mum, giving her a break from cooking a meal for us while we went to get food of our own choice, helping her around the house on this day (just like we did for her Birthday) etc. Now when I am a mother of two, I realize, we were so excited about doing all this that we missed observing that she...

So this Mother’s Day, take a break from being just a Mother, live a day with your little being/s. Do things that you want to do but with them instead of for them. Get to know them and let them know you, as persons and not just as mother-babies, their opinions and priorities, share yourself with them, like you would with a friend, sit down for a while and ask the questions instead of rushing them through their respective routines...

I was all anxious when he told me about that call from the office where he was asked to come down for some important work. I went from being panicked to rushing up his lunch box to telling myself ‘All Is Well’ to putting up M for her class to brainstorming about what all can be packed for his snacks. So he finishes his breakfast and comes to pick up his food bag.....

And, I have a 5-year-old with me who has just started to understand and enjoy these festivals. Looking at her excitement I better be prepared with something else to compensate for the missing frolic and Colour playing. So I pondered and brainstormed and what I am going to do now to maintain the fun factor and celebrate Holi in its full element and still be safe, is this....

In the light of Women’s Day’s thoughts and wishes, I totally stand by what is said to be the most clichéd statement - A change in society can only be brought by its Women. Be it a wife, a teacher, a colleague, a sister, a friend, a daughter or most importantly, a Mother. I often wonder, "Why is it that some women don't get a partner in the marriage but only a husband? A husband who is there for the family, just financially - for food, clothing, shelter, medicine and education." Is it just the upbringing of the boy that he finds himself to be a misfit when it comes to being more than a provider in the household? Or is the girl's upbringing equally responsible for this clear division of roles in the household?...