
Social Distancing, Quarantine are the new words added to our vocabulary these days. Although the situation is worrisome and serious, the key to coming out of it is staying inside and staying positive inside. The need of the hour is to be thankful for our safety, be aware that this is a once in a lifetime situation and we must utilize this to our best capacity. We have two options – EITHER keep yearning to go out and sulk OR use whatever time we get to re-invent and re-discover ourselves. The choice is ours. With the Lockdown 3.0 running and with all the housework that needs to be done, baby duties, office calls and conference calls, still, all the dreams of ‘Work-From-Home’ and 'whims and fancies' attached to it can be fulfilled now....

Motherhood is a journey that we all have to embark upon and go through on our own. Yes, if we are super lucky, we will be helped by supportive in-laws, our own parents, super understanding partner, a faithful maid OR we might have to be on our own after a couple of days/weeks/months. But I have heard quite a few moms saying we were not well informed about what we will have to lose or what we might become after having a baby. With due respect, I would want to ask them, if they were told about nitty-gritty (cons of mommyhood), would they have chosen otherwise?...

A job we dreamt of; a partner who loves us for what we are, a sibling we fight with every day but are still proud of; a couple of close friends we can be crazy with; a child we adore; parents whose upbringing has made us what we are today; understanding in-laws; a healthy body many struggle for; travel to a destination we had dreamt about, being able to eat when and what we want – the list is endless, but we take these for granted and complain about what we do not have.. ki ye sab to theek hai lekin.. One of the most underrated quotes in-spite of being heard most commonly is: ‘Count Your Blessings’. :) ...

It’s Monday once again and you want to sleep a few minutes extra, the snooze button is your BFF (Best Friend Forever) now and the thought of getting up and running to work makes you tired already. Welcome to the ‘Monday Morning Blues’ Club, friend. How much ever fun we make of it, take a hearty laugh at it, cringe at its thought on Sunday evening, truth is: it does exist and it is a scientifically proven fact. One of my weird friend used to occasionally take half-day off (the first half obviously) to be able to sleep longer on Monday. This was his way to defeat the Monster named Monday. Sounds childish? But it worked for him. To each his/her own....

I was sitting in my balcony, having a sip of tea and texting my 'Chhoti Behen' (younger sister). Suddenly this thought dawned upon me - Life is like a Sister that you get, whether you wanted her or not, whether you liked her or not, she is there. Life can neither be a lover because lovers may come and go, nor a friend because friends are almost always good to you, but a sister. She is the one who is always on locked horns with you, trying for one-upmanship, highlighting your drawbacks, highly irrational while arguing, makes you lose your temper even cry but you know in the long run she is with you, cheers for you and has full faith in you. She is the one who has grown up with you, knows your triggers and also knows how to calm you down. Yes, she eyes your favourite possessions, is always unfair to you, eats away your favourite dish from your plate, snatches your new dress but never gives her own and even makes you looked down upon in front of others and what not; but she still has some best intentions for you no matter what. At times she...

We all face changes in our lives. There are natural changes that occur in life for example seasons, day-night etc. and then there are changes we need to make for ourselves, for a better life, a better present and future. But there is something that stops us from embracing change....