Author: Jagriti Chhabra

After Monster Monday, Terrifying Tuesday, Worrisome Wednesday, Tired Thursday, Fun Friday comes Saturday and Sunday; the Weekend. - the most awaited days of the week, and it passes in a blink of an eye. So the weekend has gone and a new week has begun.  After morning rush and dropping off my little one to school, I sit down for a breath and discover that my head is still heavy with yesterday’s argument which obviously I started ‘verbally’ (although, secretly I am still of the view that my words were triggered by his actions – wives you know!). There was a volley of verbal blows between both of us and me, being better with words (blessing!), had a ‘slightly’ upper hand. It stopped when I suffered an unexpected bout of laughter as my toddler raised both her hands, one in each of our direction and shouted ‘No Fighting’. Now sitting alone, my thoughts start the time travel - Yesterday: the Sunday and then further, The Saturday. We had friends coming over on Saturday night for a small get together so obviously we had a good time, my tiny tot slept on time on a weekend, indeed I had a good...

It is said that 'A picture can say a thousand words'. Indeed. I'll tell you my 'thousand words'. It is never too early or too late to fall in love with your spouse once again. I just came across a picture of my 'tolerant half'(I love to call him that) from our dating days and all the visuals and memories came flashing and suddenly I was feeling all of 22 again. I smile for no reason, getting to see him after long day now has that extra punch/zing, my tone and phrases that I used to tease him back then are here again, I feel cheesy at daily conversations (which had become monotonous over 8 yrs of marital unison) and wanted to give him my best (not that I wasn't doing all this in our married life already). Wow! What a feeling!! A more than three year old picture of my three and a half year old sends me back to post partum phase when I was so overwhelmed with what to do with this bundle of innocence, this tender and dependant being making weird noises next to me and I forget the running, jumping, talkative, dictating little tornado in my house now....

Hi Lovely Woman, Woman's Day is around the corner and even though most men question us celebrating this day, we still love to observe this day every year. It is important to celebrate this day, not because we want to show the world that we are strong but to show that we are One. It's a common saying, 'A Woman is Woman's biggest enemy'. This can be interpreted in 2 ways: 1. We have this culture of criticizing our daughters-in-law, mothers-in-law, sisters-in-law and even our own 'padosi ki beti' who comes home late at night or has boys as friends. We judge them every now and then for everything possible. But have you ever heard a male member of the family commenting on how his Jija/Sala (brother-in-law) or 'padosi ka beta' coming home late night with a gang of friends? No. Reason? We (women) are programmed to point fingers at other members of our own fraternity. So we, as a woman become enemies of other women. 2. We, as daughters, wives, mommies, professionals, daughters-in-law, mothers-in-law live in constant guilt of not being able to give our best shot to anything and everything. 'Had I not gone to that party, my father would have...