Happy Women’s Day!! :)

Happy Women’s Day!! :)

Hi Lovely Woman,

Woman’s Day is around the corner and even though most men question us celebrating this day, we still love to observe this day every year. It is important to celebrate this day, not because we want to show the world that we are strong but to show that we are One.

It’s a common saying, ‘A Woman is Woman’s biggest enemy‘. This can be interpreted in 2 ways:

1. We have this culture of criticizing our daughters-in-law, mothers-in-law, sisters-in-law and even our own ‘padosi ki beti’ who comes home late at night or has boys as friends. We judge them every now and then for everything possible. But have you ever heard a male member of the family commenting on how his Jija/Sala (brother-in-law) or ‘padosi ka beta’ coming home late night with a gang of friends? No. Reason? We (women) are programmed to point fingers at other members of our own fraternity. So we, as a woman become enemies of other women.

2. We, as daughters, wives, mommies, professionals, daughters-in-law, mothers-in-law live in constant guilt of not being able to give our best shot to anything and everything. ‘Had I not gone to that party, my father would have slept tension free through the night’, ‘If I would have stayed late in office, the project would have been a super success’, ‘If I had gone home a little early, my baby wouldn’t have slept empty stomach’, ‘My hubby would have been really happy if I had spent some more time getting dressed for him’, ‘My ‘Mummyji’ would have been so proud of me if I had cooked a better meal for her friends’ and the list goes on. So we are our own biggest enemy criticizing ourselves and constantly staying under pressure and thus unhappy. What is the whole point of trying to keep others happy and satisfied while keeping ourselves frustrated and dissatisfied for every little thing? Remember – You Live Only Once. The day you are living today, this age will never ever come back to you. So we should be happy to be what we are and if not then do whatever it takes to be happy instead of wasting precious life staying upset.

Below are 7 tips to the Woman in you this Woman’s Day:

  1. Appreciate and stand strong for and the women in your life – Mummy, Mummyji, Sister, your set of Girlfriends, your Lady Colleagues and of course your Daughter and her friends.
  2. Red- is the colour of Power. Wear Red whenever you feel weak and about to give up on your goals. It doesn’t matter if it’s a saree, suit, top, skirt or a swimsuit or even nail polish/lipstick. If it’s red, it’s for you.
  3. Go girl, have Fun – Give yourself a much-deserved break when you are on the verge and about to succumb to pressure; Physical or Mental- Anything that keeps your head clear and breathing normal is acceptable. Take a walk, listen to music, go for a vacation, read books, catch up with friends, sleep, visit salon/beauty parlour etc. Believe that fun and pampering are not luxuries, they are a necessity.
  4. Gossip is important too–  But gossip about someone’s dress and not her size, her boyfriend and not her character, her makeup but not her complexion, her dish but not her cooking skills. Maintain your standards while gossiping too.
  5. No Jealousy please– If someone is in better shape or more fit or cooks better or a better mom or better professional or better wife – make her your inspiration. Don’t strive for perfection, it’s a myth, just not possible to attain. Just better yourself.
  6. Girlfriends are a boon– Always have a handful of friends and stay in touch even if meeting them is not possible. Take out time whenever possible and be with them for a coffee or brunch or a movie or shopping or a short vacation. They are the perfect cup of coffee to lift your spirits up.
  7. Health & Wealth– Allow yourself some healthy food and any form of physical exercise, be it walk, dance or as basic as 10 minutes of simple stretches to keep you agile and uplift your mood. Also, a little financial freedom goes a long way. If you are working, that’s great. Even if you are on a break or a homemaker, keep your money fixed monthly. Even if you don’t spend it, keep it with you. It empowers you.

Promise some respect to the Women fraternity and practice the above tips for yourself and no one else.

Share with us how you like to celebrate and cherish being a woman this Women’s’ Day.

Happy Womanhood lovelies!!

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