‘Be kind whenever possible, it is always possible.’ – Dalai Lama -Short Reads#1

‘Be kind whenever possible, it is always possible.’ – Dalai Lama -Short Reads#1

Offering our seat to an elderly person or a lady with kids while travelling; stopping to pick up a passer-by who fell from his/her vehicle or just slipped on the stairs; asking the elderly couple next door if they need some groceries or milk in this corona struck situation as they are at higher risk; saying ‘it is ok’ with a smile to children when they break something by mistake; gracefully granting leave to house-help if she or someone in her house is sick; complimenting someone’s food just because the person has put in efforts in cooking for us; offering a glass of water to the delivery guy; gracefully leaving 2-5 rupees with the vegetable vendor if he doesn’t have change; saying ‘Thank You’ to the rickshaw driver who dropped us to our destination; giving some food to the friendly stray animals and many more opportunities every day.

Kindness makes us feel good and might make someone little happier today.

Try it!

  • Ajoy Kumar 3
    Posted at 05:57h, 26 March Reply

    Very noble idea. Very few people think in this line.
    Kindness is a gift of GOD and every body deserves it.

    • Jagriti Chhabra
      Posted at 19:57h, 28 March Reply

      Thank You.

  • Chetna
    Posted at 08:30h, 26 March Reply

    Simple, yet strong message!

    • Jagriti Chhabra
      Posted at 20:55h, 26 March Reply

      Thank you. 🙂

  • Saumitra
    Posted at 13:46h, 27 March Reply

    We need kindness all around more than ever before. But that’s true for always nevertheless. Good article.

    • Jagriti Chhabra
      Posted at 19:55h, 28 March Reply

      Indeed. Thank You.

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